Use "be confined to ones room|be confine to ones room" in a sentence

1. Illness confined him to his room.

2. Firefighters managed to confine the fire to the living room.

3. The room was light and lofty compared with our Tudor ones.

4. Some parents wait until the opening song to take their young ones to the rest room.

5. Encourage all interested ones to be present.

6. Neither artist was content that painting should be confined to representation, or even abstract decoration for an existing room.

7. We should be the ones.

8. Mythic images may be the ones to distrust most.

9. There seems to be more room.

10. Let us be the ones to act and not be acted upon.

11. His mother confined him to his room for two hours for misbehavior.

12. They were confined to the engine-room and stokehold, which were Battened …

13. Better is it to be lowly in spirit with the meek ones than to divide spoil with the self-exalted ones.”

14. Tending to induce Claustrophobia; uncomfortably confined or crowded: a claustrophobic little room

15. He wants you to be there to embrace your loved ones again.

16. Interestingly, he addressed this letter to those “called to be holy ones.”

17. • Will responsible ones be present to ensure order till the end?

18. When old ones will be young again,

19. How can young ones be taught to keep their eye “simple”?

20. 11 This room is said to be haunted.

21. There should be two kinds of neologism dictionaries: the timely ones and the stable ones.

22. So all previous Bounties must be completed, to unlock higher ones

23. This room is not fit to be seen!

24. The empty room can be utilized for a utility room.

25. 13 That “great tribulation” is to be “cut short” for the sake of Jehovah’s elect ones, his called and chosen ones.

26. Room Service gracious hospitality, guests can be freehand brushwork in the room to rest or work.

27. The actual figures are likely to be higher than these official ones.

28. 15 min: Be Prepared to Help Interested Ones Who Attend the Memorial.

29. It's the season to be together with loved ones, so I'm told.

30. Weaker, inefficient ones may be seen as liabilities.

31. Your agency should be the ones protecting you!

32. I have to be in room 1 A15 tomorrow.

33. 7 They asked to be put in adjoining room.

34. Which ones of these could be self- portraits?

35. Which ones of these could be self-portraits?

36. Be sure to leave the room neat and tidy.

37. It may be reserved adjacent to the " Renoir " room.

38. They were to be the favored ones among the young people brought to Babylon.

39. Co sign To add on or second ones opinion to try and be cool

40. What a delight it will be to welcome loved ones from the grave!

41. My best Articles tend to be ones that are educational, entertaining, and useful

42. Such animals were to be sound ones, and no castrated animal was admissible.

43. But religious authorities would not be the only ones to persecute the disciples.

44. secretory ones to the fundus — corpus region, motorial ones to the antrum.

45. What plants could be used to improve room air quality?

46. It was unnatural for the room to be so tidy.

47. Aditional metabolites to the described ones are likely to be detected in the near future.

48. Broadly speaking, the cuddly ones should be focused on vulnerable children and the tough ones on miscreant adults.

49. Then I realized how much I wanted my loved ones to be sealed to me.

50. There seemed to be a ghostly presence in the room.

51. So the sunny ones swirl around, the cloudy ones float along, the rainy ones fall down, and the snowy ones flutter to the ground.

52. Ultimately consumers will be the ones who lose out.

53. • Each room should be accessed to determine mercury content (any exceptions must be noted).

54. The room should be well - ventilated .

55. According to the report, the prevalent Attritions are the ones that can be prevented

56. Some of these computers will be used to replace the old, non-functioning ones.

57. He stops and asks that the ones doing the shouting be brought to him.

58. There is reason for you to be optimistic about the future of young ones.

59. “The furnace room is to be Ceiled with metal lath and metal doors into this room will be substituted for those now in use, thus rendering the furnace room practically fire proof.

60. Disadvantaged ones, such as widows, orphans, and the poor, were to be treated compassionately.

61. It is impolite to be arrogant and brag about oneself or ones inner circle.

62. (Acts 24:15) What a delight it will be to welcome such ones back to life!

63. I was the first to ask him awkward questions but there'll be harder ones to come.

64. And another. The whole room seemed to be filled with it.

65. Of course, newer ones should not be rushed into baptism.

66. That young ones can be very effective praisers of Jehovah.

67. (b) On Judgment Day, how will matters be counterbalanced as between the now advantaged ones and the religiously disadvantaged ones?

68. And that still leaves room for Noel Kahn to be A.D.

69. Definition of Adjoin (verb): be connected to another building or room

70. The vaccine should be allowed to reach room temperature before use

71. You have to book early to be sure/certain of getting a room.

72. Such ones can be likened to a sick man who was unaware of his illness.

73. The men appear to be in the same room, thanks to identical sets.

74. to yet other thirsty ones.

75. A Warning to Faithless Ones

76. Vegan protein Bars can be hard to come by, and organic ones are even tougher to find

77. In mathematics, certain functors may be derived to obtain other functors closely related to the original ones.

78. Younger hares take well to marinating and roasting rare; older ones need to be braised or stewed.

79. You’ll be able to add more programs, or cancel existing ones, after you’ve finished onboarding.

80. In the evening, the people of Capernaum bring him their sick ones to be cured.